The Internationally-Recognized Brand for Excellence inValuation and Appraisal
Expert-Witness Services

Prevailing in Billions at Trial & ADR | Super Appraisers™ Elite-Rated

The Nationally-Recognized Brand for Excellence inCourt-Appointed Receiver/Keeper and
Fiduciary Services

Court-Appointed Receiver / Keeper / Trustee / Custodian / Special Master Services

The Internationally-Recognized Brand for Excellence inDistressed Asset Management
and Disposition Services

Assignment For The Benefit Of Creditors | Asset Recovery | Special Servicing

The Internationally-Recognized Brand for Excellence inDistressed and Private-Equity Investing
and Investment Banking Services

Wall Street Smarts ... Main Street Sense™

Equity Development Systems Ltd (EDS) Valuation & Litigation Appraisal Services Group values assets across industries and asset classes worldwide.  We specialize in providing Appraisal Expert-Witness and litigation-support services to attorneys and law firms throughout the world, and we have prevailed in Billions-of-Dollars at issue in some of the world’s most complex—important—high-profile—and valuable valuation-related litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Our discipline-specific and multidisciplinary valuers are internationally recognized and accredited ASA/RICS/MAI & USPAP/IVS (Red Book) appraisal instructors—all well-published Super Appraisers® Elite-Rated international valuation luminaries.

EDS Executive Managing Director Steven N. Siegler, ASA, FRICS holds the only RICS Expert Witness Accreditation Service (EWAS) and Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) Certifications in the U.S. and all of The Americas—one of only a handful of such Certifications in the world.

For over 40 years in hundreds of assignments across industries and asset classes throughout the country, Equity Development Systems Ltd has skillfully and judiciously served as Court-Appointed Receiver for the court and all stakeholders to preserve, protect, manage, operate, and otherwise handle the disposition of real and moveable assets in commercial foreclosures, bankruptcies, business disputes, and myriad other legal proceedings.

Our award-winning Symphony of Wall Street Smarts … Main Street Sense™ in Receivership Services has earned us the distinction of being the only Court-Appointed Receiver in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency allows on active Superfund Sites.

Distressed Asset Management and Disposition Services

Equity Development Systems Ltd represents many of the world’s leading multinational corporations in the redeployment and/or disposition of their surplus assets, real and moveable (Investment Recovery), and many of the world’s leading financial institutions, attorneys and law firms, creditors, investors, and myriad other stakeholders in the recovery, disposition, and conversion of their distressed assets, real and moveable, to cash (Asset Recovery).

Our award-winning services have earned us the distinction of being the only Distressed Asset Management and Disposition Services company in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency allows to conduct such services on active Superfund Sites.  We are pleased to serve as Keepers for the U.S. Marshals Service for federal court seizures of assets under admiralty jurisdiction.

From the disposition of an active National Priorities List Superfund Site—to a Decommissioned Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier—to the Pencils-on-the-Desk, we handle it all, and we have generated and returned Billions of Dollars to our clients’ treasuries.

Equity Development Systems Ltd Distressed Investment Banking and Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory Group provides financial and strategic advice to companies or assets that are undergoing special situations such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, or other types of corporate transactions.

Our Distressed Assets investment bankers typically work with secured creditors and companies with assets in financial distress or undergoing major changes to help them navigate these complex situations and optimize their financial outcomes. This presents unique and exciting investment opportunities for skilled investors that are available only through EDS.

At EDS, we don’t just offer distressed investment opportunities. We invite institutional and well-qualified private investors to join us as partners. We leverage our proprietary global investment recovery, asset recovery, and distressed assets services platforms to facilitate this collaborative participation in such Distressed Asset Investing opportunities.

Deep Expertise

Appraisal Expert Witness
Appraisal Expert Witness
EDS Valuation and Valuation & Litigation Appraisal Services Group values assets across industries and asset classes worldwide. Our discipline-specific and multidisciplinary valuers are internationally recognized and accredited ASA/RICS/MAI & USPAP/IVS (Red Book) appraisal instructors—all well-published SUPER APPRAISERS® Elite-Rated international valuation luminaries having prevailed in Billions of Dollars at issue at trial and ADR.
Court-Appointed Receiver/Keeper
Court-Appointed Receiver/Keeper
In hundreds of assignments across industries and asset classes throughout the country, EDS has skillfully and judiciously served as Court-Appointed Receiver/Keeper for all stakeholders to preserve, protect, manage, operate, and otherwise handle the disposition of real and moveable assets in commercial foreclosures, bankruptcies, business disputes, and myriad other legal proceedings. We are the only Court-Appointed Receiver/Keeper in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency allows on active Superfund Sites.
Distressed Asset Management
Distressed Asset Management
For over 40 years, EDS has skillfully guided and judiciously represented many of the world’s leading multinational corporations, including Merck, Pfizer, GE and many others throughout the world in the redeployment or disposition of their surplus/nonessential capital assets (Investment Recovery) and many of the world’s leading financial institutions, attorneys and law firms, creditors, investors, and myriad other stakeholders in the recovery, disposition, and conversion of their distressed assets to cash (Asset Recovery).
Distressed Assets Investing
Distressed Assets Investing
Distressed assets investing refers to purchasing assets in financial distress, such as companies or properties that are in default or foreclosure. The goal of distressed assets investing is to purchase these assets at a discounted price and then turn them around by restructuring, repositioning, or selling them for a profit. EDS leverages its proprietary global investment recovery, asset recovery, and distressed assets services platform to afford institutional and well-qualified private investors to participate alongside us as equals in such Distressed Assets Investing opportunities.

EDS' unparalleled level of expertise is recognized and appreciated in boardrooms and courtrooms throughout the world. How may we be of service to you?


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    Equity Development Systems LtdThe Internationally-Recognized Brand for Excellence

    Wall Street Smarts … Main Street Sense™


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    Equity Development Systems, LTD.

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