Appraisal Review Services




Elite-Rated member of the peer-voted Super Appraisers® Global Network of internationally-recognized appraisal luminaries.

“The measure by which all appraisal reviews should be judged” ... U.S. Regulators

RICS only Expert Witness Accreditation Service (EWAS) and Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) Certifications in the Americas—one of only a handful of such Certifications in the world.



EDS pioneered the Appraisal Review profession—the cornerstone of appraisal expert-witness testimony and litigation-support services and directed the development, writing, and implementation of the Appraisal Review Principles of Valuation and best practices that are taught to and in use today by professional valuers, legal experts, and government agencies throughout-the-world.

Our Appraisal Review services have allowed our clients to prevail in billions of dollars at issue, and our Appraisal Reviews have been cited by U.S. regulators as “The measure by which all appraisal reviews should be judged”.

SUPER APPRAISERS®ELITE-RATEDEDS is an Elite-Rated member of the peer-voted Super Appraisers® Global Network of internationally recognized appraisal luminaries.

“The measure by which all appraisal reviews should be judged” ... U.S. RegulatorsEDS pioneered the Appraisal Review profession—the cornerstone of appraisal expert-witness testimony and litigation-support services and directed the development, writing, and implementation of the Appraisal Review Principles of Valuation and best practices that are taught to and in use today by professional valuers, legal experts, and government agencies throughout-the-world.

RICS ONLY VALUATION EXPERT WITNESS CERTIFICATION IN THE AMERICASWe hold the only Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Expert Witness Accreditation Service (EWAS) and Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) Certifications in the United States and all of the Americas—one of only a handful of such Expert Witness and Dispute Resolution Certifications in the world.



EDS Appraisal Expert Witnesses, having prevailed at trial and Alternative Dispute Resolution in multiple multi-billion dollar matters, are highly trained—highly skilled—highly credentialed multidisciplinary appraisal review instructors with decades of courtroom experience who master the facts and are able to present clear, objective, and compelling findings to judges and juries.


‘An Appraisal Review is an Appraisal of an Appraisal’

EDS Appraisal Review Services is the process of evaluating the accuracy and completeness of an appraisal report. The appraisal review is performed by a qualified independent third-party appraiser, EDS, to ensure that the appraisal meets industry standards and regulatory requirements. The valuation review process usually includes:

-Verifying that the appraiser is qualified and licensed

-Checking that the appraisal report includes all the required information

-Ensuring that the appraiser has followed the appropriate methodology

-Evaluating the comparables used in the report

-Assessing the reasonableness of the valuation

-Checking for any errors or omissions

-Ensuring that the report complies with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and/or International Valuation Standards (IVS) and other regulatory requirements.

Appraisal Review Services require highly-trained—highly-skilled—highly-credentialed discipline-specific and multidisciplinary review appraisers with decades of experience who are specifically trained and accredited in providing Appraisal Reviews and in developing and reporting differing opinions-of-value, rebuttal appraisals, and in providing appraisal expert-witness testimony and litigation-support services.

EDS pioneered the Appraisal Review profession—the cornerstone of appraisal expert-witness testimony and litigation-support services and directed the development, writing, and implementation of the Appraisal Review Principles of Valuation and best practices that are taught to and in use today by professional valuers, legal experts, and government agencies throughout-the-world. Our Appraisal Review services have allowed our clients to prevail in billions of dollars at issue, and our Appraisal Reviews have been cited by U.S. regulators as “The measure by which all appraisal reviews should be judged”.

We hold the only Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Expert Witness Accreditation Service (EWAS) and Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) Certifications in the United States and all of the Americas—one of only a handful of such Expert Witness and Dispute Resolution Certifications in the world.

An appraisal review can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to comply with regulatory requirements, to ensure the quality and accuracy of the appraisal, or to resolve disputes between parties involved in a transaction. The goal of the appraisal review is to ensure that the subject appraisal is accurate, unbiased, and in compliance with industry standards.

Our discipline-specific and multidisciplinary review appraisers are internationally accredited ASA/MAI/RICS appraisal instructorsall well-published luminaries in the global valuation community. They include USPAP and IVS and RICS ‘Red Book’ instructors, Value Adjustment Board (VAB) Magistrates, and former state and federal appraisal regulatory compliance officers.

We provide appraisal reviews in all disciplines of appraisal e.g., Real Property, Business Valuation, Intellectual Property, Personal Property, and Machinery and Technical Services to clients throughout the world. EDS specializes in providing appraisal expert-witness testimony and litigation-support services to attorneys and law firms and appraisal-related Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services such as Appraisal Umpire Services, Arbitration, Mediation, and as Referee.

Our appraisal reviews analyze, evaluate and report matters pertinent to the subject appraisal: (1) Completeness of the material under review, (2) Adequacy and relevance of the data, including the propriety of adjustments (if any) to the data, (3) Appropriateness of the appraisal methods and techniques used, (4) Whether the analyses, opinions, and conclusions are appropriate and reasonable, i.e., credible, (5) conformity with applicable appraisal development and reporting standards required of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) / International Valuations Standards (IVS) / RICS Red Book, and Basel Accords, (6) the professional qualifications and licensing requirements of the reporting appraiser(s), (7) compliance with applicable state and federal-U.S. Regulatory 75 FR 77450 Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines, (8) compliance with any and all other applicable standards, guidelines, rules, and regulations that apply as of the Effective Date of the subject appraisal under review.

EDS appraisal reviews are independent and objective and render credible findings that will withstand challenges and scrutiny from peer reviews, regulatory, judicial, and taxing authorities.

Our Valuation & Litigation Appraisal Services Group is headed by Executive Managing Director Steven N. Siegler, ASA, FRICS. Mr. Siegler is an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) and was honored to serve as the founding International Chairman of Appraisal Review and Management (ARM) for the American Society of Appraisers from 2002-2011. Mr. Siegler co-authored and directed the development and implementation of the ASA’s Appraisal Review and Management Principles of Valuations series of courses and best practices that are now taught to professional valuers, government officials, legal experts, and many others throughout the world.

When, as part of Dodd-Frank, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) acting for and on behalf of the U.S. Federal Reserve and all inter-agency regulators sought the expertise to develop, implement and monitor the new National Appraisal Ordering and Appraisal Review Protocols for the United States and all U.S. territories, it came to Mr. Siegler and EDS.

Mr. Siegler holds international valuation accreditation as Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS), and he is the only RICS accredited expert witness in the United States and the Americas—one of only a handful of such expert witnesses in the world holding the much-coveted RICS Expert Witness Accreditation Service (EWAS) Certification.

Mr. Siegler holds TS Clearance with the U.S. Government and he is uniquely qualified to practice before U.S. Government agencies in national security-related valuation and in other special matters.

Steven is an Elite-Rated member of the peer-voted Super Appraisers® Global Network of internationally-recognized valuation expert witness testimony luminaries. He has served as an expert witness valuer in U.S. state and federal courts, at international tribunals, and in valuation-related Alternative Dispute Resolution and he has personally prevailed in billions-of-dollars at issue in some of the world’s most important—high-profile—and valuable valuation-related cases.

Engaging the correct Appraisal Reviewer is critical. EDS’s unparalleled Appraisal Review expertise is recognized and appreciated in boardrooms and courtrooms worldwide, and U.S. regulators have cited our body of work as “The measure by which all appraisal reviews should be judged.”

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