Court-Appointed Liquidator Services


Skillfully and judiciously preserving, protecting, managing, operating, and maximizing value for all stakeholders.

Court-Appointed Liquidator Services

Skillfully and judiciously preserving, protecting, managing, operating, and maximizing value for all stakeholders.

A Symphony of Wall Street Smarts … Main Street Sense™

The only Court-Appointed Liquidator in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) allows to conduct such services on active Superfund Sites.

Wall Street Smarts … Main Street Sense™Court-Appointed Liquidator Services

Skillfully and judiciously maximizing value for all stakeholders.

A Court-Appointed Liquidator is an individual or entity appointed by a court to oversee the liquidation process of a company or organization. Liquidation involves the sale of assets to pay off debts and distribute the remaining funds among creditors and shareholders.

When a business faces financial distress or insolvency, a court may intervene to protect the interests of creditors and ensure a fair and orderly distribution of assets. The court appoints a liquidator to manage the liquidation proceedings, and this individual is responsible for identifying, valuing, and selling the company’s assets.

The role of a Court-Appointed Liquidator is to act impartially and in accordance with the legal framework governing liquidation. They are tasked with maximizing the value of assets for the benefit of creditors and stakeholders. The appointment of a liquidator by the court is often part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings.

For over 40 years in hundreds of assignments across industries and asset classes throughout the country, EDS has skillfully and judiciously served as Court-Appointed Liquidator for creditors, attorneys, investors, and all stakeholders to handle the disposition of troubled assets, real and moveable, tangible and intangible, in business disputes, commercial foreclosures, probate, divorce, bankruptcies, and myriad other legal proceedings.

Our award-winning Court-Appointed Liquidator Services has earned us the distinction of being the only Court-Appointed fiduciary in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) allows to conduct such services on active Superfund Sites.

And, we are pleased to serve as Court-Appointed Keepers for the U.S. Marshals Service for federal court seizures of assets under admiralty jurisdiction.

Award-Winning Court-Appointed Receiver/Liquidator ServicesOur award-winning Liquidation Services have earned us the distinction of being the only Court-Appointed Receiver/Liquidator in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) allows to conduct Asset Recovery and Divestiture Services on active Superfund Sites.

We are pleased to serve as Court-Appointed Keepers (Asset Recovery) for the U.S. Marshals Service for federal court seizures of assets under admiralty jurisdiction.

Generating Billions of Dollars for All StakeholdersSkillfully and judiciously preserving, protecting, managing, operating, and maximizing value for all stakeholders.

WE HANDLE IT ALLFrom National Priority List Superfund Sites—to a Decommissioned Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier—to the Pencils-on-the-Desk, we handle it all.

All Industries and Asset ClassesCommercial | Industrial | Residential Real Estate Developments | HOA and Golf Communities/Resorts | Environmentally Impaired Real and Moveable Property | Hospitality/Gaming | Shipyards/Admiralty/Maritime | Aviation (Fixed and Rotor) | Automotive (Manufacturing and Retail) | Heavy Industrial Manufacturing | Oil & Gas/Minerals | and more...


(1) "The actions undertaken on behalf of Signal Capital have established a level of confidence that has resulted in EPA allowing Signal to dispose of movable property on the facility in a way that most secured creditors would ordinarily not enjoy. In fact, I know of no other analogous situation where the EPA Region 6 Removal Program has cooperated with a secured creditor to the extent it has due to your efforts.

Senior Attorney

USEPA, Region 6


(2) Such a relationship generally does not develop whereby EPA would permit a secured creditor to liquidate uncontaminated movable property due to the realistic concern that such actions would aggravate existing environmental problems or would interfere with EPA’s removal action. It is not at all unusual that in EPA’s proper exercise of its CERCLA responsibilities such accommodations are flatly rejected.

Senior Attorney

USEPA, Region 6


(3) Notwithstanding that general approach, you have demonstrated a level of responsibility and credibility that has warranted a different approach for EPA in this matter".

Senior Attorney

USEPA, Region 6

Court-Appointed Liquidator Services

Maximizing Value For All Stakeholders

For over 40 years, EDS Court-Appointed Liquidator Services have skillfully guided and judiciously represented many of the world’s leading financial institutions, attorneys and law firms, secured creditors, investors, and myriad other stakeholders in commercial foreclosures, liquidations, and distressed asset management and dispositions.  Our award-winning Court-Appointed Liquidator Services have generated Billions of Dollars, and we are recognized worldwide as the industry’s gold standard.

Our award-winning services have earned us the distinction of being the only Court-Appointed Liquidator in the country that the United States Environmental Protection Agency allows to conduct such services on active Superfund Sites.

EDS is pleased to provide Court-Appointed Keeper services to the United States Marshals Service for federal court seizures of assets under admiralty jurisdiction.

A Court Appointed Liquidator is a professional appointed by a court to manage and liquidate the assets of a company or individual in a legal proceeding. This can include bankruptcies, receiverships, and other types of financial restructuring. The Court-Appointed Liquidator’s role is to collect, protect, and preserve the assets of the company or individual and to distribute those assets to creditors or other stakeholders in accordance with the law.

The Court-Appointed Liquidator’s responsibilities may include:

  • Assessing the company’s or individual’s financial status, including identifying and valuing assets and liabilities.
  • Managing and liquidating assets, such as selling property or inventory, to repay creditors.
  • Investigating potential fraud or mismanagement by the company or individual and reporting this to the court.
  • Communicating with creditors and other stakeholders, such as shareholders, to inform them about the liquidation process.
  • Preparing and submitting reports to the court on the progress of the liquidation.

The Court-Appointed Liquidator must be neutral and impartial and be subject to oversight by the court to ensure that they act in the best interests of creditors and other stakeholders.

Our distressed asset specialists marshal onsite 24/7/365 throughout the world to secure, protect, preserve, maintain, and enhance the going-concern value of the businesses and business assets that might otherwise be lost during bankruptcies, foreclosures, restructuring, and replevin actions while actively pursuing permanent solutions.

We specialize in providing 24/7/365 onsite interim-crisis Court-Appointed Receiver/Keeper (Louisiana) management teams to operate troubled accounts facing operational and financial difficulties. We are particularly skilled in providing transitional management in highly contentious special assets and special situations and in handling all efforts related to the wind-down, disposition, and liquidation of industrial, manufacturing, and distribution plants and facilities and environmentally impaired assets, real and moveable.

EDS’ Asset Recovery Centers of America® unit owns/operates strategically located multi-purpose venues to store and remarket recovered assets. Our full-service Recovery Centers fulfill our unique capacity to immediately marshal our clients recovered moveable assets, air, land, and marine, to our secure facilities for disposition. Our flagship Recovery Center is the Port of Slidell in Slidell, Louisiana (Greater Gulf South, USA).


Today’s business climate and environmental concerns dictate that Court-Appointed Liquidator services must be handled by seasoned—practiced—experienced divestiture professionals with decades of courtroom experience who master the facts and are able to present clear, objective, and compelling findings to judges and juries.

It is often said that liquidation is an art ’ and ‘art is in the eye of the beholder’. Think of a Picasso and a gas station corner vendor selling  Velvet-Elvis’. While both are appreciated by their respective audience as ‘art’—in both appreciation and value…they are worlds apart. To appreciate EDS’ artistry as a Court-Appointed Liquidator is to appreciate the difference.

To best understand who we are and how we can help you, it is best to understand and appreciate who we are not. We are not dot-com auctioneers, used equipment jockeys, or two-bubba’s-with-a-truck. Our Court-Appointed Liquidators are highly practiced artists who provide a professional alternative to creditors, investors, and all stakeholders.

Our practiced commercial loss mitigation, replevin, and asset recovery methodology and techniques are commensurate with the client’s best interests.  Our fee structure is incentive-based and promotes results that often exceed our client’s established goals. This ensures the highest and best values for our clients in converting their special assets and special situations to cash and relieves them of the frustrations, limitations, and especially the risks associated with such questionable Velvet-Elvi’.

EDS’ comprehensive commercial loss mitigation and Court-Appointed Liquidator services include 24/7/365 onsite crisis/interim management, dismantling, shipping, storing, maintenance, repair, and remarketing. We are particularly skilled at handling marine-related machinery and equipment, land-based and floating assets, e.g., inland vessels, work-boats, barges, cranes, drilling equipment, marine equipment, and cargoes along the Greater Gulf Coast of the United States at our flagship Asset Recovery Centers of America® venue, the Port of Slidell in Slidell, Louisiana (Greater New Orleans, USA). Our asset recovery technicians are specifically trained in machinery and equipment removal, and our practiced methods and procedures protect and enhance the value of our client’s assets, unlike lesser, Velvet-Elvi’—equipment maulers so often associated with such activities.

Our remarketing efforts are handled by our polished global market-makers who are particularly skilled in building markets and seeking out and identifying end-user purchasers, not middlemen nor dealers, for secure private-treaty sales. These efforts translate into significantly greater returns for our clients. Remarketing can be accomplished on-site or from one of our strategically located Asset Recovery Centers of America® venues.

The choice is yours… PICASSO OR VELVET-ELVIS.

EDS’s unparalleled level of expertise is recognized and appreciated in boardrooms and courtrooms throughout the world. How may we be of service to you?

Contact Us Now!

Court-Appointed Liquidator Group

Court-Appointed Liquidator

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