Investment Recovery Services



Investment Recovery Systems®

For over 40 years, the world’s leading Investment Recovery Services provider to multinational giants worldwide such as Merck, Pfizer, and GE.

PICASSO OR VELVET-ELVIS … The Professional Alternative

Seasoned—practiced—experienced Investment Recovery specialists affording corporates worldwide the professional alternative.

Investment Recovery Services — Nationwide/Global


Investment Recovery Services refers to the process of selling or disposing of assets that are no longer needed or have reached the end of their useful life by companies, to recoup some of the original investment. This can include equipment, real estate, or other assets that are no longer needed for the company’s operations. The goal of investment recovery services is to maximize the return on investment and minimize the costs and risks associated with disposing of the assets.

Companies often use a variety of methods to recover their investments, such as selling assets to other companies, auctioning off assets, or scrapping them for parts. Corporate investment recovery can also include the process of re-purposing or upgrading existing assets to extend their useful life and reduce the need for new investments.

Investment Recovery is an important aspect of financial management and helps companies maintain financial stability and optimize their return on investment.

For over 40 years, our Investment Recovery Systems® Group has been the world’s leading provider of investment recovery services to multinationals worldwide. Our Investment Recovery Services have generated millions of dollars for our global clients, and our body of work for such multinational giants as Merck, Pfizer, GE, and many others worldwide speaks to our level of expertise and the confidence placed in us.

EDS handled the divestiture of all Merck U.S. distribution and nonessential sales facilities as part of its acquisition of and operational consolidation with Medco

EDS handled the divestiture of all Pfizer U.S. distribution and nonessential sales facilities and the divestiture of its overlapping and nonessential real and movable assets as part of its acquisition of and operational consolidation with Warner-Lambert / Parke-Davis.

We handle the redeployment, repurposing, or conversion of surplus, overlapping, and otherwise nonessential assets, real and moveable, to cash and return these important dollars to the company’s treasury.

We specialize in handling all efforts related to the environmentally responsible disposition of heavy-industrial, manufacturing, and distribution-related plants and facilities through corporate consolidations and restructuring transactions.

Our award-winning Investment Recovery services have earned us the distinction of being the only Investment Recovery provider that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) allows to conduct such services on active Superfund Sites.

Financial Guarantees
We perform outright asset acquisitions across all asset classes and industries for companies seeking flexibility through liquidity.

To provide certainty and liquidity to our global clientele, we offer financial guarantees for many of our Investment Recovery services. Our creative, guaranteed solutions minimize risk and realize cash quickly. As a result, our clients have the capital to achieve their objectives. We leverage our balance sheet with up-front capital, either as an outright purchase or a unique structured arrangement with participation on the client’s part.

PICASSO OR VELVET-ELVIS…The professional alternative

Today’s business climate and environmental concerns dictate that investment recovery services must be handled by seasoned—practiced—experienced professionals who possess a keen appreciation of the legal exposures, environmental risks, and responsibilities that surround these activities.

It is often said that ‘liquidation is an art’ and that ‘art is in the eye of the beholder’. Think of a Picasso and a gas station corner vendor selling a Velvet-Elvis. While both are appreciated by their respective audience as ‘art’—in both appreciation and value—they are worlds apart. To appreciate EDS’ artistry in investment recovery is to appreciate the difference.

To best understand who we are and how we can help you, it is best to understand and appreciate who we are not. We are not dot-com auctioneers, used equipment jockeys, or two-bubba’s-with-a-truck. Our investment recovery specialists are highly-practiced artists who provide the professional alternative to corporates worldwide.

Our investment recovery methodology and techniques are commensurate with the client’s best interests.  Our fee structure is incentive-based and promotes results that often exceed our client’s established goals. This ensures the highest and best values for our clients in converting their nonessential and surplus assets to cash and relieves them of the frustrations, limitations, and especially the risks so often associated with questionable Velvet-Elvi’.

EDS’ comprehensive investment recovery services include 24/7/365 onsite keepers, dismantling, shipping, storing, maintenance, repair, and remarketing from our flagship Investment Recovery Center of America® venue located at the Port of Slidell in Slidell, Louisiana (Greater New Orleans, LA USA).

Our investment recovery technicians are specifically trained in machinery and equipment removal, and our practiced methods and procedures protect and enhance the value of our client’s assets, unlike lesser—Velvet-Elvi—equipment maulers so often associated with liquidators.

EDS remarketing efforts are handled by our polished professional global market-makers who are particularly skilled in building markets and seeking out and identifying end-user purchasers, not middlemen nor dealers, for secure private-treaty sales. These efforts translate into significantly greater returns for our clients. Remarketing can be accomplished on-site or from one of our strategically located Investment Recovery Centers of America® venues.

The choice is yours… PICASSO OR VELVET-ELVIS

EDS’s unparalleled level of expertise is recognized and appreciated in boardrooms and courtrooms throughout the world. How may we be of service to you?

Contact Us Now!

Investment Recovery Services Group

Investment Recovery Services

Investment Banking
Firestone Tire & Rubber, Memphis TN

Investment Recovery Case Studies

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